Calculating an item's value is based on analysis of the development costs, the maintenance costs, the estimated replacement costs, and the annual business value contributed by that item. 项目价值的计算基于开发成本、维护成本、估计替换成本和该项目带来的年度业务价值的分析。
The estimated costs are cost units that the optimizer uses to compare query plans. 估算成本是优化器用来比较查询计划的成本单元。
A query with higher estimated costs generally takes longer to run than one with lower estimated costs. 与具有较低估算成本的运行相比,具有较高估算成本的查询的运行时间通常更长一些。
If the transaction isolation mode is Repeatable Read, then the optimizer would base its choice purely on the estimated costs. 如果事务隔离模式是可重复读(RepeatableRead),那么优化器会将其选择完全基于估算成本。
Conflicting statistics: Inconsistent statistics may cause the optimizer to derive the wrong estimated costs and to make the wrong decision on access plan assessment. 统计数据冲突:不一致的统计数据可能会导致优化器对成本评估错误,作出错误的访问计划评估决策。
If value is set to2, the optimizer would uses estimated costs to determine an execution plan regardless of the transaction isolation mode. 如果将其值设置为2,优化器就会使用估算成本来确定执行计划,而不管事务隔离模式如何。
And each node is annotated by statistics, estimated costs, selectivity information and so forth that are used to determine the access plan flow. 每个节点都有统计数据、评估成本、选择信息等用来确定访问计划流的注释。
In addition it provides the estimated costs of the query and estimates the query results. 此外,它还提供估算的查询成本,并预计查询结果。
The second part shows the estimated costs of the query. 第二部分展示了该查询的估算成本。
One area where this gap is often revealed is in a discrepancy between dedicated resources and estimated costs. 这种隔阂常常显露出的一个区域是专用的资源和估算的成本之间的差异。
The rate serves as a benchmark for rates on hundreds of trillions of dollars of loans and derivatives, and is comprised of submissions from banks about their estimated costs of borrowing from one another. Libor是用以确定数百万亿美元贷款和金融衍生品的利率的基准利率,它由各银行递交上来的有关它们彼此间资金拆借成本的估计数据构成。
The study estimated that the costs of private tutoring in South Korea were equivalent to 80 percent of government spending on public education. Japan spent$ 12 billion on extra teaching in 2010, while the figure for Singapore stood at US$ 680 million in 2008. 研究估计,韩国的请家教花费相当于政府公共教育投入的80%。2010年,日本在课外辅导上花了120亿美元;2008年,新加坡的这项花费为6.8亿美元。
This is the process necessary for aggregating the estimated costs of individual activities or work packages to establish a cost baseline. 这是汇总各单个活动或工作细目的估算费用和制定费用基准所必需的过程。
Intervention points in Guangdong will also attempt to create a free STD clinic, and estimated related costs. 广东干预点还将尝试建立性病免费门诊,并测算相关费用。
I need a list of boarding schools and their estimated costs for a year. 我要一张寄宿学校的名单及各自一年的费用。
Approved change requests can cause a change to project scope, project quality, estimated costs, or project schedule. 批准的变更请求可能会改变项目范围、项目质量、费用估算或项目进度。
Listed below are estimated costs of constructing the CCR ( central control room) for DCS, including local taxes. 以下列出得是建造安装DCS系统的中央控制室的估算费用,包括地方税费。
Proposed established posts and estimated staff costs for the financial year& XX 财政年度提议的常设员额和人事费用估计
The budget for full-time students includes the estimated costs of tuition, books and living expenses. 在校学生的花销包括学费、书本费及生活费。
Secondary aims were to identify indicators of inappropriate use and estimated preventable costs. 次要目标为鉴定不适当应用指标及评估可避免费用。
Should you desire, we would be pleased to send you catalogs with export prices and estimated shipping costs for these items. 若您需要,我方将乐意寄上目录以及这些项目的出口价格和预估的运输费。
A: What are the estimated costs for this program? A:这个项目的预估成本是多少?
BP, which has always denied gross negligence, has set aside$ 41bn for total estimated costs associated with the accident. 一直否认自己存在重大过失的BP,已拨备出410亿美元用于支付其所估计的、与漏油事故相关的全部费用。
Relating the amounts of such charges to the estimated costs to the producer or benefits to the public of avoiding the undesired results can create a simulated market incentive for the producer to alter his activities. 把收费的多少与为避免公害估价的成本之于生产商或利润之于公众联系起来,可以对生产商产生一种模拟的市场激励效果,促使他们改变自己的行为。
Consequently, managers must use the estimated costs to complete an activity derived from the cost ratio method with extreme caution. 因而,名目经理在用成本率导出的预测成原来实现某工作时必需极其审慎。
Estimated total costs are the sum of cost to date, commitments and exposure. 预计总成本由完工成本、许诺成本跟附加成本累加得到。
The estimated costs of the building project are well over$ 1 million. 这项建筑工程的预算成本大大超过一百万英镑。
But he faces growing objections to the estimated costs. 但是因为预算原因他面临越来越多的反对声音。
The article summarizes the results of the review, the predicted increase of natural gas consumption, including the estimated investment costs. 本文总结了此项统计的结果,预测了对天然气消耗量的增长,也包括对换投资花费的估计。